Cannabis factory found in previous Island Police Station - sold off by Labour Monday, 25 July, 2022 Police discovered a large scale cannabis factory operating in the former Isle of Dogs Police station which had been sold off by Labour Mayor Sadiq Khan in February. Cllr Peter Golds campaigned heavily against the police station closure alongside all Island Conservative candidates and residents. We were deeply disappointed at the decision of closing down the only police station on the Island... Local News
Outcome of local elections and thank you 7th May 2022 Our statement on the outcome of the elections and a thank you to everyone who voted for our candidates. Local News
Vote Conservative for a better, safer Tower Hamlets Borough 5th May 2022 Labour keep approving tall towers on the Isle of Dogs. They voted to close our only petrol station. £160 million of development money is not being spent &... Local News
Campaigning in Canary Wharf 4th May 2022 Canary Wharf Council candidate Samia Hersi campaigning with our Mayoral candidate Elliot Weaver, former Millwall Councillor David Snowdon and Tara Hussain. Lots... Local News
Campaigning in Island Gardens 4th May 2022 Superb day of campaigning in Island Gardens with Cllr Peter Golds, Council candidate Callum Murphy and Mayoral Candidate Elliot Weaver ahead of the local... Local News
Labour failing to deliver on crime 1st May 2022 Labour’s Soft Record on Crime: - Mayor Biggs failed to stand up for Isle of Dogs residents when Sadiq Khan closed our only police station. - Labour Council have... Local News
Vote Conservative for a better Blackwall & Cubitt Town 23rd March 2022 Blackwall & Cubitt Town has been let down by Labour. Sofia De Sousa, Matthew Miles and Nick Vandyke are your local Conservative candidates and they are on a... Local News
Vote Conservative to improve Wapping 14th March 2022 Wapping has been let down by Labour. One Labour Councillor has only submitted 8 enquiries on behalf of residents in the last 4 years and only turns up at... Local News
Limehouse let down by Labour 11th March 2022 Limehouse has been let down by Labour. David Garside has have lived in the ward for 28 years and he is on a mission to achieve a safer, cleaner Limehouse... Local News
Labour failing to install any new Council CCTV cameras 19th January 2022 Labour Mayor Biggs has failed to install any new CCTV in the last 6 years, breaking his promise at the last election. Tower Hamlets Council has by far the... Local News
The first 100 days of a Conservative majority government and the choice before the British people 4th December 2019 Our Conservative plan for getting Brexit done so that we can unleash Britain's potential is in stark contrast to the gridlock, dither, delay and uncertainty of... National News
Exposed: Labour plot with RMT behind rail strike chaos 3rd December 2019 Rail union leaders and the Labour Party have boasted that they are "working together" to "bring down" the government at this month's election through a campaign... National News
Brexit is a once in a generation opportunity to strengthen our border security 1st December 2019 Brexit provides a once in a generation opportunity to strengthen the security of the UK border. National News
Boris Johnson sets out the details of the Khan case 1st December 2019 The terrible Khan case has highlighted a complicated area of law. There have been many inaccuracies reported about this case over the last 24 hours. Here are... National News
John McDonnell admits that those on low incomes would pay higher taxes under Labour 30th November 2019 John McDonnell's admits that those on low incomes would pay higher taxes under Labour. National News
Debunked: Labour’s NHS Privatisation Claims 30th November 2019 Labour keep telling scare stories about our plans for the NHS. Now, it is time to set the record straight. National News